Longview Chimney Cleaning & Repair – (360) 210-9160
Serving Longview to Vancouver, Longview to Centralia.
our services
30 years of craft experience
(WA License LONGVCC797LQ)
This site has plenty of photos and videos that prove our skills and experience. The products and services we deliver, in exchange for your money, are chimneys well-cleaned and inspected, and chimneys repaired to industry standards. We do not sell products and repairs that you do not need.
We clean open fireplace chimneys, free-standing woodstoves, woodstove inserts (inserted into an open fireplace,) oil furnace chimneys, pellet stoves (both free-standing and inserts) and clothes dryer vents. We perform a variety of masonry repairs on chimneys.
Chimney cleaning
If you want some in-depth knowledge of chimneys, how they work, their various components, etc., If a “chimneys 101″…
Chimney repairs
Rebuilding, tuckpointing (mortar joint repair,) stucco work, fireplace damper repairs, flashing replacement…
Masonry waterproofing
One of the best preventative maintenance actions to take for the prevention of expensive chimney repairs.
We educate (when needed), inform, clean and repair. We photo document all phases of repairs delivered. Digital photos are emailed to you.

(A”I highly recommend Yamhill County Chimney after they recently completed a restoration and rebuild on my 80 year old red brick chimney and fireplace. I can’t wait for Fall so I can enjoy it!”
(From a Google review)
Pam Love
( A customer of our branch in McMinnville, OR. )
“Cliff and crew came up to Olympia in 2001 to help me with the earthquake repairs caused by the Nisqually earthquake. All phases of work were performed, including seismic retrofits. They were invaluable to me during this period of extreme activity. They stayed for 9 months and performed brilliantly. Highly recommended” (From a Google review)
Richard Baker
National Chimney & Roofing Service
Olympia, WA